Kallas & Federley kör ihop

Det blev som Federley sade i en TV-intervju: Siim Kallas och Fredrick Federley gör gemensam sak i att nå ALDE-toppen (europeiska partiorganisationen, inte partigruppen i Europaparlamentet). Efter ett möte så drar Federley tillbaka sin ordförandekandidatur och siktar istället på vice-posten. Kallas och Federley kör nu ett race där de stödjer varandra i kamp mot holländaren Hans van Baalen som är den andra ordförandekandidaten.

EUbloggen kan här publicera kampanjbreven från Kallas & Federley:

Dear fellow liberals,

The only question to answer in Budapest is:

Do we want to be part of big European politics?

We must admit that during recent decades the liberal alternative in the minds of Europeans has not been as attractive as we would like it to be.

To re-enter the main stage of European politics we need clear policy lines and strong leadership. We must fight the radical left and compete with conservatives for the European votes.

We must prove that Europe can do better with more liberal policies.

Therefore, I give you the most important input that really matters:

A strong liberal vision for a better Europe that attracts attention in the European capitals and finds a way to the hearts of the citizens.

Clear, distinctive and high-profile pan-European political vision will help the liberal movements and member parties all over Europe gain more ground in their respective electorates and become truly credible and competitive parties.

The European Union must be politically strong, economically competitive and socially inclusive. True liberals cannot rest while even the four main freedoms of the European Union do not fully exist in reality!

Dear friends,

ALDE is an alliance of small parties. Many of them have joined us because they want to maintain their independence in some policies. They do not want to surrender to overly centralized EPP and ESP. Our fragmentation is inevitable. This is our weakness but it is also a source of strength. ALDE must be a platform for different views and an alliance where everybody respects and listens to others.
With this common vision in mind I have joined forces with Mr Fredrick Federley who has decided to stand for vice-president and support me for president. I am confident that with other vice presidents, with our parliamentary group in the European Parliament, and with national liberal leaders we can unite different liberal inputs into a powerful liberal vision for a better and stronger Europe.
We are sure that our political connections and background will help us raise the profile of liberals in European politics.
I hereby announce my candidacy for the position of ALDE Party President.

Siim Kallas
Vice President of the European Commission 2004-2014
Prime Minister of Estonia 2002-2003

Dear liberal friends,

In a few weeks, we will have the chance to strengthen the ALDE Party when electing a new leadership at the Congress in Budapest. We now have a great opportunity in combining the experience of a liberal statesman like Siim Kallas with my own campaigning experience and energy.

We can also avoid splitting the vote of our forward-looking parties in the Nordic-Baltic region. So, I have decided to join efforts and campaign together with Mr Kallas for a common vision.

I will therefore change my candidacy for the presidency to the role as one of the vice-presidents. And I would ask those of you who were backing me for president to continue to support me for vice president and join me in supporting Siim Kallas for president.

This makes for a powerful liberal duo combining Siim Kallas’ impressive experience and network as former foreign minister, prime minister and commissioner respectively, with my energy, campaign-savvy and commitment on issues such as climate change and openness.

– Fredrick Federley as vice president would be great asset to the ALDE family with his proven track record of successful campaigns. I am glad that we have joined forces to make the ALDE Party a stronger player. Now more than ever, we liberals need to vigorously defend the freedoms at the heart of the European project.

Siim Kallas, former Vice President of the European Commission and Prime Minister of Estonia

– We’re now aiming to take the ALDE Party to new heights. Let us together create a campaign-
winning liberal force that can sweep across Europe!

Siim Kallas and Fredrick Federley MEP

Kind regards,

Fredrick Federley MEP and candidate for vice president of the ALDE Party